Downward Goat

I know it's been a while since my last blog. I'll start with the animal update I lost Mitchel. He died of natural causes, and I also lost Michelle when she went into labour. Maggie also got pregnant, and we have two baby goats now. Their names are Mark and Mullan there a lot like puppies. My wife even got them coats when the temp dropped. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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The Village of Weymouth, Nova Scotia.

I decided to put this picture up on my blog. I sometimes like going to a place early in the morning and watch the sun come up. This time it wasn't about the sun because it ended up being a cloudy morning. The reflections and the village lights made the picture. Pop! I love taking pictures. You never know what's going to happen.


Goat's man's best friend

Jessica and Christianna played on some ice today; after their chores and homeschooling, I took some pictures of the Goats Mitchell , Michelle and Mandy. They have a nice thick coat, and from the last time I took pictures, they put on some weight. The two Alpines are females, and Mitchell is a male Boer. It was a beautiful day today, no rain kinda kool crisp.


Thanksgiving Weekend

We had Ham, rice and cranberry sauce. I love food, and to be honest, eating and enjoying peoples company is just part of the human experience. It's comforting to know that will never change under any circumstance. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving; here are a few pictures I took of Asher, the bunny, and the goats. Just something cute on Thanksgiving.

Ed and Julia's Homestead

So sad the summer is coming to an end, and it's getting a bit cooler at night. I got a lot of projects done a new chicken pen. Painted the house, got some goats built an enclosure for them, didn't take as many pictures as I wanted, and that's what brings my stress and panic attacks under control. So, in short, I should have taken more. I think I have an addiction to chickens. Especially the Cream Crest Legbar they have bright blue eggs so beautiful and fun for the kids. I have some Sussex and speckled as well as crosses. I also have some Ameraucana chickens, So will see if they all get along so far so good. As far as my goats, I have two Alpine females and one male Boer. We also have rabbits we have four Fleming Giant Rabbits, four Red New Zealand's and six White New Zealand's I'm also going to get about 50 meat chickens and process them with my son Mac and myself. I'm building a chicken truck on Tuesday. The plan is to be more self-sufficient, somewhat than relying on stores and transportation. I always look at the worst-case scenario, and in today's world, rather understandable.

My Goat's Mitchell and Michelle tomorrow at 630 am Michelle comes home

I'll have pictures of Michelle tomorrow. We're picking her up at 630 am in Bridgetown Nova Scotia. It all started when we saw Mitchell. Then I had to get fencing, and one thing leads to another, and now we're raising goats. It's been quite the adventure Nova Scotia. It's a great place to raise a family, and nowadays, it's nice to get back to the basics and more simple life.

House of beauty

Its been a while since my last post. My garden was kind of what I would consider a fail. It wasn't entirely my fault I should have watered it more in the beginning, but really this is the first time out east we didn't get a lot of rain usually it rains out here frequently this year the grass was brown because of the lack of rain. The side of my house because of the shade did better. I have a lot of cabbage tomato growing some strawberries, but in my central garden, the plants that survived are lettuce cucumber, pumpkin. I figured I'd give you an update on the painting of my house. I hope you like the pictures some were taken on my camera others on my cell

Digby Neck

One of the most picturesque and natural places I've seen is the Digby Neck. I haven't even explored it all yet. There is a lot more to be seen, and I'm looking forward to seeing it all. Today I just wanted to share where I was yesterday. I've been trying to send some of the traffic I get on Instagram and Facebook to my webpage. You can help by clicking on the like button. If you have a place, you know about tell me about it, I'm always interested in finding new places.

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Keeping busy in the new normal

My son Mac and I started painting the house; first, we had to get rid of the old paint that's flaking off, and then we started painting with a white primmer once done, then we are going to paint it with a yellow, and for the trim brown. Yesterday I tilled my ground and started a small garden. I wanted to wait a bit until frost warnings were gone. I'm trying to keep busy to keep my mind off all the things happening. It's stressful waiting in lines following arrows and wondering if there's going to be food for your area. So we're working in a garden and also looking at rabbits as a food source. I have to rely on Mac a bit more since my back isn't what it use to be. I even was teaching my little girls how to plant a garden. They love getting there hands dirty, plus there trying to get used to the new normal, not being able to play with there friends or go to places. I don't take them in stores or around people. I have taken them to places they can ride their bikes that are vacant of people. I'm glad I have a big family. They can play among themselves and still be laughing and having a good time.

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Université Sainte-Anne Trails

I took some photos Yesterday me and Gabriel went to Université Sainte-Anne behind the buildings are hiking paths and since it's ok to go to the parks now, I decided to get some one on one time with Gabriel. Since I have five girls, it's nice to spend time with them on an individual basis as well as together I hope you enjoy the photos.

Covid19 numbers are under seasonal flu

I saw something to me that makes no sense to me what so ever. I googled Covid19 death worldwide. The date today is May 7, 2019, and the recent deaths are 265K. Then I went to The World Health Organization (WHO), and according to them, 650K die each year from respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu.

My question is, why is last year’s flu not considered a pandemic but Covid19 is?

Beautiful east coast day !

Yesterday was beautiful, feeling the sun on your face and the warmth just amazing. I love sunny days blue skies I'm not much of a winter person. The winter does have its perks coffee tastes so much better when it's cold out and sitting near a fire and getting warm. Amazing! I look forward every year to spring and summer the flowers the fields the sand in-between my toes cooling off in the ocean and freshwater lakes. This year everything is on a standstill. They have eased up on some restrictions, but the beaches are still closed. I don't understand there are a lot more open spaces out here to distance yourself socially. Here is something funny fishing is open out here, and so was clam digging, but going to the beach is closed, so try to figure out how to do that without your feet hitting the beach. It's so hard losing things that you took for granted. Tim Hortons is the one place I can go in the morning that makes me feel a little bit normal, plus dropping my daughter off at Robins for her shift is at least a reason to go out. I hope they ease up on the beach restrictions soon everybody needs there vitamin D and the outdoors. This virus is stressful enough; adding restrictions and keeping people scared and inside all the time is hard on everyone's mental health.

My veg garden

I never want to be the guy who does everything right or be complacent and predictable. That, to me, is ok for the other guy, but for myself, Id prefers to be a little more spontaneous or unpredictable. That way, people can't figure you out and can't predict what your going to do next. To me, that's also to do with trust and safety issues. When you have PTSD, your aways predicting what could happen next, so you're always one step ahead of what you consider a threat. The downside of this is there might not be a threat, and your past experiences have made it seem worse then it is. I've learned to come back to it later and reassess the situation after I've listened to some music or went for a walk. Today I've decided to do some gardening. To me anytime, I connect with nature is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, but photography for me is my go-to. It's been hard with parks shut down, and an uncertainty of what you can and can't do not being able to take the children out to the parks is hard because not all of them understand all that's going on, and I don't want to scare them with details. I'm thinking of planting after May 24, so no rush yet. I know there's going to be shortages of fresh vegetables and all my girls love veg. I even got some strawberries. Covid19 has become a level of stress for most people now. No one should spend this much time inside; human beings need fresh air friends' family and relationships.


Just started

My Home Nova Scotia

I moved to Nova Scotia to give my children a better life the air is better out here the scenery is fantastic, especially the nature stuff, and the people are friendly. I can't think of a better place for my children or me. The COVID 19 and the shooting have made April unforgettable. I will never forget my daughter today (Jessica) putting flowers underneath a flag at half mask for Heidi Stevenson, an RCMP officer who laid her life down for the protection of the public. I know now even more than before that I made the best decision of my life. The people of Nova Scotia come closer together than any other community I've ever been in My prayers and thoughts go out to those families who were affected by such a senseless tragedy.


The New Normal COVID 19 is deadly

I think this is without a dought the most stressful time of my life. Every day if you turn on the tv or go online, you hear about the deaths from COVID 19, and that in itself is a considerable amount of stress, but then the Government has to send you a message on your cell the emergency broadcast system, and it says COVID 19 is deadly. Stop the spread stay at home. We still have to get food, gas with no protection as none has been provided, even hospitals don't have proper protection for there staff. Stephen Harper ( The Conservatives), is the reason for the downfall of the Canadian health care system. Destroying infrastructure, cutting maintenance budgets, and eliminating community-based programs across all provinces. So here we are all those cuts created hospitals that don't have adequate staff or equipment. The average person doesn't even trust the system. We all hear about Doctors trying to make life and death decisions when they shouldn't have too, and wouldn't if there were adequate ventilators in all the hospitals. This, of course, is all my opinion, and as far as I know, we're still a democratic country with basic human rights. So check the facts and figure it out. I think for myself, I'm stressed and upset with a lot of stuff all at the same time, and venting is definitely a way I can feel a bit better. Since parks have been closed, I go for walks as much as I can to relieve stress, and I still drive my daughter to work. I feel like a caged animal with my rights stripped from me over a (China )virus that could have been prevented by early detection. Since Trump got Mexico to pay for a wall, maybe he could get China to pay for a Virus.


The New Normal

Growing Time

We have a short growing season where we are in Nova Scotia. My wife and I are starting to grow vegetables inside since I believe there will be a shortage of fresh vegetables in Nova Scotia because of the Flu Pandemic. We most likely will grow Potatoes squash Lettuce Turnip Onion's and a few Tomato plants, but as we have found out, Tomatoes don't grow as well being so close to the ocean. I put a few pictures below so you can see and I'll update as we go along. On a positive side feeding wholesome foods to your family gives you a sense of great accomplishment, and at least you know nothing harmful has been sprayed on them or your land.



We were just keeping it simple and cheap window or growing light.




Turnip and Tomatoes




Lettuce and Onion

Hope comes with prayer -(Covid19)

I have no idea how to describe these last four weeks COVID-19 has changed how we live and interact with one another. It caused us pain suffering and death. Every day we wake up, we hear about more cases more tragedies. Then there is the other side of this we hear about the hero's on the front lines, the ones who make sure we're taken care of like the nurses and doctors. The people who work while most of us are at home so that we can feed our families, and get them their prescriptions while taking care of there needs. It's brought us closer to God and reminded us what's essential family friends and relationships. When something this tragic hits us all, it makes us reevaluate ourselves. It makes us realize how much we need a relationship with God. Covid19 makes us feel powerless, but with prayer and God comes hope

Gilberts Cove

Today was a stressful day. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way the COVID-19 being the primary source of stress. It's all you hear about 24/7 I don't even watch the news anymore. Trudeau shut down the borders today with exception to trade, that said: "I don't plan on talking about this ever again or at least try." So how did I self regulate I took off in my minivan while I still have the freedom to do so. I went down to Gilberts Cove and snapped a few pictures of the lighthouse and surrounding area. It was so cold in between shots Id jump in the minivan to warm my hands. I hope you enjoy the pictures feel free to leave a message or look at the rest of my pictures maybe pick something for your office or home.

Mavillette Beach Provincial Park

Today was beautiful a bit windy, but what a great day to take photos I grabbed a coffee at Tims and headed towards Mavillette. I get excited every time there are blue skies, at this time of year it's mostly rain, and clouds mixed with some fog, and I take pictures no matter what it looks like outside but today was an exceptional day, and with the wind and the ocean waves, it looked great! I went to a few harbours also along the Evangeline trail on my way back. I hope you enjoy my pictures. Leave a comment or send me a message.


Mavillette Beach Provincial Park

Photos by Edward Welsh Photography